Saturday, 10 April 2010

Out with the old and in with the new!

It has been emotional, but I am delighted to announce that in order to expand the appeal of TSR Blog, I have now launched an all new website with increased functionality for all of you to enjoy.

The new site includes multiple forums, a high-quality chat room, video lounge (which will feature top Speedway clips from around the World), and of course a library for all of the old (and new) Blogs.

I hope to see you all at the new site soon!

Sherif -

Thursday, 8 April 2010

The Beginner's Guide to British Speedway...

For those of you who read the Blog and are either new to the sport and perhaps eager to learn more; or for those more experienced, well-versed Speedway supporters who are trying in vain to persuade their family/friends to take in a meeting at their local track, then this is a good place to start --->  Sky Sports - Beginner's Guide to Speedway
Do your bit for British Speedway, and help dispel people's myths, stereotypes and frankly ridiculous self-generated negativity about the fantastic shale sport without ever having so much as seen or heard a speedway bike!
Every new face encouraged to visit their local track generates crucial revenue and increases the profile of our Leagues, Clubs and Riders alike.


Saturday, 3 April 2010

TSR Merchandise!

Morning all,

Having been somewhat depressed by the complete lack of decent merchandise out there for Speedway fans, I have decided to take matters into my own hands, and look into producing a range of quality gear for the Speedway fraternity...we are talking caps, t-shirts, polos, pens etc...
Obviously this is more of a labour of love than a money-making exercise, but to make this worthwhile I need to gague interest..hence the reason for this week's poll - Would you buy TSR merchandise?
Also, let us know what kind of stuff you would be interested in, and of course, what designs would be preferable!

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Around the World in 80 slides: Part 1 - Argentina

In the first of my intended series of reports on how Speedway affects our friends around the World, TSR reader, and self-confessed Speedway nut, Facku Müller (pictured right) kindly took time out to speak with us to contribute his synopsis of how Argentina is leading the promotion of the shale sport in South America...

Speedway in Argentina is improving every year. For the 2008/09 season, and after much hard work and persuasion, organisers of the Argentinian Winter Championship substantially improved their sporting product through the addition of a number of recognised foreign talents of diverse background, such as our very own Lee Complin (pictured left); former Canadian Champ, Kyle Legault (pictured right); and Italian SWC riders Mattia Carpanese, Guglielmo Franchetti, and Italian/Argentine Emiliano Sanchez.

Through securing this foreign interest in the National Championship, naturally, this in turn has helped to improve the Country's own Speedway heroes, such as Nicolas Covatti, Matias Lopez, Giulio Romano, and Lucas Allende.

The 2009/10 Championship was boosted by the addition of Workington Comets' Czech rider, Adrian Rymel (pictured left), his fellow countryman (and certainly one to watch in future) Hynek Stichauer (pictured right), and the return of the likes of Franchetti and Sanchez.
This time around however, the organisers also moved to modify the format of the Championship, ditching the mini-series (comprising just semi-finals and finals), in favour of the Internationally recognised system, comprising 16-20 races, semi-finals, and finals.

Facku believes that this move to bring the competition more in line with the SGP, resulted in producing the best Argentinian series in many years, with a generous increase in participants (over forty), spectacular racing of a good general standard, better equipment for Argentine riders, and hugely increased publicity (including live television coverage).

Lisandro Husman
The Championship was led (almost from first to last race) by Adrian Rymel, but notably, he was valiantly challenged in most rounds, by Argentine rider Lisandro Husman (pictured left - with Facku). In fact, this improvement in the Championship has no doubt led to the inclusion of 3 Argentine riders (Lisandro Husman, Lucas Allende and dual-national, Emiliano Sanchez) in the line-up for the 2011 Speedway Grand Prix Qualifying Round 2, due to take place on 12th June in Terenzano, Italy.

Lucas Allende
Facku is also quick to point out (ed - very kindly!) that British Speedway is well supported in Argentina, and is actually considered "one of the most beautiful leagues in the world".
In reciprocation, TSR Blog would like to express its gratitude to Facku for providing an interesting insight into the rise of Speedway across Argentina, and we suggest all our readers keep an eye on the GP qualifying results this June; for whilst Lisandro, Lucas and Emiliano may not be amongst the favourites to make the Grand Prix Challenge, their efforts are blazing a trail for their counterparts back in Argentina to follow, and we hope the effects will spread across the whole of South America.

Monday, 29 March 2010

Fantasy League update!

Following the weekend's (albeit limited!) fixture action, I am pleased to say TSR Blog's private fantasy league is starting to register some points on the board.
A summarised table has been added to the fantasy league thread on the message forum, for your perusal...some impressive scores are already starting to stack up!

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Message Forum now added!!

I am pleased to announce that I have finally got round to adding a message forum to the Blog.
You will find a link to the forum on the sidebar to the right - simply add your details and submit posts until you are out of ideas!
This is a relatively basic, but fully functional facility, so watch out for improvements and additions to the forum over the coming weeks.
I look forward to seeing your posts regarding Speedway's burning issues, results, predictions and even completely unrelated topics!

Monday, 8 March 2010

Speedway Fantasy League 2010 - Join today!

Hi all,

In association with the fantasic (and completely free!) Speedway Fantasy League 2010, The Speedway Revolution Blog has created a private league, for all of our friends and followers.
I have already created my 'Rayleigh Revival' team, and I think it is a good one!

To join in the fun, simply follow the hyperlink (above) to the Speedway Fantasy League website...

  1. Create a team using the simple step-by-step guide

  2. Point your mouse toward the 'My Team' page

  3. Click 'Join a Private League'

  4. Enter the League ID '123'

Now sit back, relax and watch the league season unfold! This is all for fun, and I cannot promise any great prize at the end, but may be able to muster a nice bottle of wine for the winner!

I look forward to seeing you all there soon!


Monday, 22 February 2010

Speedway - A Framework for Change

Working in the Sport & Leisure construction sector, a pivotal element of my job is the provision of pre-construction advice...namely lending direction to a Client's aspirations (often disguised as an early Brief!) with regard to options pertaining to a potential venue's funding, appointment of designers/contractors, and, arguably, most satisfying for all parties concerned, monitoring the progress of the actual realised build.

A very small handful of property consultancies, including my employers, Drivers Jonas, embody small specialist teams of Surveyors and Project Managers who provide this type of procurement advice, but, whilst they will (and continue to) publish documentation on most of the major sports of interest to Local Authorities and the respective various types of Client, nobody (and I should stress, that is a qualified guess!) has ever taken any notice of the achingly obvious decline of British Speedway, due in part to the supposed lack of funds across the sport, but also a general lack of understanding of the history and set-up of Speedway Clubs.

Following on from my Speedway Star article, over a year ago, I thought the above situation should change, and that it was high-time somebody should create a readily available document in the form of a synopsis of these issues, to alert and educate both directly and indirectly interested parties of the plethora of issues with this most traditional, exciting and skillful of sports.
If any of TSR's contributors, fans or your associates wish to view this document in full, the direct link is listed below
Alternatively, if you, a friend or colleague would like a hard copy of the document, please do not hesitate to contact me via the Blog, or alternatively, the work details supplied on the publication.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

TSR Blog now on MySpace!

A brief note for all followers of TSR who use MySpace...your favourite Blog is now represented on can show your support and see all the latest updates by joining the fans group.
Here is the link! ---->