Saturday, 10 April 2010

Out with the old and in with the new!

It has been emotional, but I am delighted to announce that in order to expand the appeal of TSR Blog, I have now launched an all new website with increased functionality for all of you to enjoy.

The new site includes multiple forums, a high-quality chat room, video lounge (which will feature top Speedway clips from around the World), and of course a library for all of the old (and new) Blogs.

I hope to see you all at the new site soon!

Sherif -

Thursday, 8 April 2010

The Beginner's Guide to British Speedway...

For those of you who read the Blog and are either new to the sport and perhaps eager to learn more; or for those more experienced, well-versed Speedway supporters who are trying in vain to persuade their family/friends to take in a meeting at their local track, then this is a good place to start --->  Sky Sports - Beginner's Guide to Speedway
Do your bit for British Speedway, and help dispel people's myths, stereotypes and frankly ridiculous self-generated negativity about the fantastic shale sport without ever having so much as seen or heard a speedway bike!
Every new face encouraged to visit their local track generates crucial revenue and increases the profile of our Leagues, Clubs and Riders alike.


Saturday, 3 April 2010

TSR Merchandise!

Morning all,

Having been somewhat depressed by the complete lack of decent merchandise out there for Speedway fans, I have decided to take matters into my own hands, and look into producing a range of quality gear for the Speedway fraternity...we are talking caps, t-shirts, polos, pens etc...
Obviously this is more of a labour of love than a money-making exercise, but to make this worthwhile I need to gague interest..hence the reason for this week's poll - Would you buy TSR merchandise?
Also, let us know what kind of stuff you would be interested in, and of course, what designs would be preferable!